"Revolutionizing Martial Arts Training"

CounterStrike MMA Academy

CSMMA - Muay Thai

Atlanta Brazilian Jiu Jitsu ClassMuay Thai , which translates into Thai Boxing and also known as The Art of the Eight Limbs is the Thai name for a form of hard martial art practiced in several Southeast Asian countries that originated in Thailand.

Muay Thai has a long history in Thailand and is the country's national sport. Traditional Muay Thai practiced today varies slightly from the ancient art "Muay" and uses kicks and punches in a ring with gloves similar to those used in Western boxing. Muay Thai is referred to as "The Science of Eight Limbs", as the hands, shins, elbows, and knees are all used extensively in this art. A master practitioner of Muay Thai thus has the ability to execute strikes using eight "points of contact," as opposed to "two points" (fists) in Western boxing and "four points" (fists, feet) used in the primarily sport-oriented forms of martial arts. Muay Thai is the most popular of the striking arts that is used in MMA(Ultimate Fighting). It is one of the most devastating and functional forms of martial arts in existence today.

Through traditional pad-work, bag work, partner work, and sparring, students in this class will learn the basics of traditional Muay Thai. This will include basic offensive techniques like punching, kicking, elbows, knees and the Thai clinch as well as defensive techniques and counters. Students will also learn basic fight movement and strategy as well as be introduced to a typical Muay Thai workout. Great for those who are looking to learn to compete, do MMA, learn self-defense or just looking for a challenging way to get in shape and learn a great martial art.

Proper protective gear and attire required.